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Where is this product manufactured and shipped from?
It is hand blended and crafted in Springfield, Illinois.
All of the materials / packaging I source from other independent businesses within the U.S.A.
Currently, I do not keep this website up to date - you can click through the link at the top of the site and that will take you to where it is available on Amazon.com. I make the blend in batches and ship them to the nearest Amazon fulfillment centers which are up by Chicago and in Indiana- from there they are distributed and kept in different fulfillment centers across the country, in order to ship to your location as quickly as possible. Once an order is placed, Amazon team members handle the packing and shipping process.
let me know if you have any more questions!Warmest wishes,
Maddie -
Can this be used in a diffuser?
It could, however, it is designed for the convenience of using on the go. The blend includes fractionated coconut carrier oil so it is not only pure essential oils and may clog up the diffuser, requiring more frequent cleaning.
This does not have any cbd oil in it, correct? Just making sure I’m not recognizing it in the ingredients. Thank you
Correct, there is no CBD oil used in any of the blends
How do I get in touch with someone from this company?
email- blissboundwellness@gmail.com or find us now on Amazon.com (search bar Bliss Bound Wellness) where we sell and operate exclusively
Can I use this on my infant?
Some professionals advise not to use essential oils with infants under 2 years of age due to potential toxicity if used incorrectly. At that age the skin is not as thick and the immune system may not be strong enough to handle it without adverse reactions. I use a 4% dilution essential oil to carrier oil ratio and that is a higher percentage than what is recommended for this age group. I would suggest to dilute it even more by rubbing fractionated coconut oil on before you apply the oil blend.
I am new to essential oils, just looking for something to help my little one sleep better. How come some of the types or brands cost more than the others?
It heavily depends on the quality of the oils. If you’re putting it in or on your body you want 100% pure, therapeutic grade quality. Being pure means that there are no added fillers, synthetic ingredients, or harmful contaminants that could pose risks like provoking irritation, adverse effects, or even sickness. To ensure therapeutic quality, there are proper methods of growing, harvesting, distilling, and testing throughout the entire process. If you are unsure whether or not it is therapeutic, then it probably isn’t because companies will put it on the label. Some oils are expensive based on the ingredients that are in them. Just like with anything else, if it is in high demand or not as available to produce then it is going to be more expensive to produce and buy. Also, leading brands may charge more as they have established a trusted reputation that people are willing to pay for.
I have very sensitive skin & am wondering if I can just inhale it rather than rub it on my skin?
You can do whichever you prefer. The fragrance is strong enough when you twist the cap off so you will reap powerful benefits by simply smelling the bottle. Essential oils are quickly absorbed by the smell receptors, which have a direct link to the limbic system by way of the olfactory nerve. The limbic system is part of the brain that supports a variety of functions including smell, emotions, behavior, and memory. This blend is diluted to 4% essential oil to carrier oil ratio, so that it can be safe for most ages and skin types. I would try to apply it to the skin but start low and go slow. You can dilute it even more by rubbing fractionated coconut oil on your skin before you apply the oil blend.
How much and how many times a day should I use this?
Start low and go slow. Everyone is different and variables like age, size, & health status play into it. Excessive use may cause adverse reactions, plus you do not want to waste the oils if you are using more than you need. Start out applying every 4-6 hours, evaluate the effects, and tailor your schedule to your individual needs.
Is it ok to use if Im pregnant??
There are a wide variety of opinions on the matter & oil use is individualized based on many variables. For populations specific to pregnancy, under 2 years of age, elderly, and those with medical conditions: it is Strongly recommended that prior to using essential oils, you seek advice from a trained health care advisor who is experienced in essential oil usage. There are some oils that are fine for use, some that should be used sparingly, and some not at all. I am not in the medical field so I will not advise one way or the other.
In the past I have had a rash breakout after using these oils, do you think this type of blend would do the same thing?
Rash sometimes is nothing to be alarmed about as it can signal detoxification of the body. Drink plenty of water to encourage the removal of toxins. Some soaps, skin care products, perfumes, and detergents may trigger some detoxification reactions and you might consider discontinuing their use if a reaction occurs. From the beginning, try to avoid getting oils in the eyes, genitals, mucous membranes, or using on damaged skin. Oil use is individualized and it is recommended to start low and go slow. If irritation does occur: stop using the oil and do NOT try to dilute or wash off with water as this actually drives oil into the skin more and increase discomfort. Instead, flush with a carrier oil as quickly as possible. If you do get it in your eyes, flush with carrier oil and if the discomfort does not subside within five minutes, seek medical attention.